Click Here for Help

If you encounter difficulties, experience unexpected behaviour, or require clarity on the success of certain actions, this help section is designed to provide assistance and guidance.

Help sections

We have broken the help topic down into sections to help you find what you're after. Below is an overview of what you'll find.

Troubleshooting Errors

The Troubleshooting Errors page of FusionX Finance comprises a compilation of potential errors that users might encounter while utilising the platform. This resource provides solutions to each specific problem, along with explanations outlining the reasons behind the occurrence of the respective issues.

General FAQ

The General FAQ page answers the common questions we get from FusionX Finance's users. The answers to these questions give advice, an explanation, or a link to a useful resource

Seeking support

FusionX Finance doesn't have a dedicated support service. Instead, if you find yourself with a problem that has no answer here, you can ask for help on FusionX's discord server.

Last updated